Monday, January 7, 2013


Hiya!!! Well, I know it's been a while, but I'm back. Hope everyone had a wonderful, stupendous, glorious holiday season. Mine was great---good times spent with family and loved ones; beautiful, magickical, useful gifts, both given and received. It was a beautiful Winter Solstice and Yule.

Back to the present... I've registered to take a few more business classes at the local community college. The Small Business Center has free classes for entrepreneurs and developing businesses. I know that my business is over a year old, but there's always something new to learn. I'll be taking Goal Setting, Effective Business Plans, and About Home Businesses over the next few months. I'll probably re-take the Social Media series of classes again in April (I've already taken it twice and learned new things both times). The way that the internet changes from day to day, I'll always need this set of classes to keep up.

I did some quilting for holiday gifts---Microwave Tater Bags. It was my first real venture into quilting, and even though it was only straight line cross hatching, I felt wonderful about it. It was good to be back on the sewing machine. Now I'm ready to try some place mats and try something more involved in the quilting area. I'm starting out small, and gonna work my way up to larger projects.

The DDs and families are doing well, after a bout of stomach bugs in the eldest family. My younger SIL is starting his new job, with a county sheriff office. It's what he's been looking for for the past two and a half years, so I'm glad he finally got it, even though we'll worry more about him while he's on the job. Younger DD just turned 26!!! I can't believe that it's been that long ago, that I was in the hospital, walking the halls, waiting on 'him' to make an appearance. I was so sure that it would be a boy. :) I wouldn't trade her for a dozen boys now. My girls are so precious to me!!! 

Well, I'm off to bed after checking my glucose levels and blood pressure and heart rate, and taking my pills and insulin. Got a busy day tomorrow---seeing my therapist, some shopping to do, may go see #1 DD, and supper later with Dean. May get some new jewelry items priced and ready for inventory. And it's quarterly tax time, so I've got plenty to keep me going.

Have a wonderful evening, and a beautiful week. Blessed be, hugs!!!